Toddler at a Bright Horizons center



Employers across all industries are concerned about retaining working parents. Employees are willing to leave a job if they don’t see the support they’ll need to manage child care when the time comes. Those who plan to be parents often factor child care benefits into their job searches well before starting a family. The challenge of balancing work and family is a leading cause of employee turnover – and a considerable expense to employers.

Corporate daycare programs are an opportunity for businesses to retain and recruit talent by solving the challenges of working parents. With high-quality employer-sponsored child care, companies can keep their most valuable leaders and invest in the potential of employees throughout the organization.

The challenge for working parents

Finding and managing the right child care situation is a challenge for many families. Space in daycares is often limited for new applicants, causing families with immediate care needs to spend months on daycare waiting lists. And once families find a suitable place, quality care can come at the cost of college tuition—or more.

The challenge of child care is a significant distraction and a cause of stress for both working parents and those who want to return to work. It’s sinking the careers of promising leaders who frequently opt to scale back hours or leave the workforce altogether, posing significant problems for employers. A recent study estimated that productivity losses due to child care problems cost organizations $12.7 billion a year.  To cut down on employee turnover and absenteeism, a growing number of employers are turning to corporate daycare, a highly effective solution that can also improve employee retention and recruitment.

Corporate daycare programs from Bright Horizons

Bright Horizons is a leader among on-site daycare companies, with more than 30 years of experience helping employers to implement child care solutions. Our corporate daycare centers meet the demands of your workforce and provide working families with access to high-quality, education-focused child care. From designing custom child care centers to managing every aspect of an on-site daycare, Bright Horizons has the expertise and experience to build programs that meet the unique needs of your employees.

Our corporate daycare services include:

Center Development
With an unparalleled depth of resources, we can help to create a center that reflects your culture and meets the specific needs of your workforce. Services include:

  • Budget modeling based on crucial budget drivers
  • Utilization projections, in-depth needs analyses, and demand assessments based on a comprehensive review of employee demographics and demand
  • Detailed analysis of sites and facilities
  • Industry-leading design and programming

Center Management
We provide turnkey options for the management of your on-site child care center. Services include:

  • Licensing handled by our experienced operations team
  • Strict compliance to all state, local, and national safety guidelines
  • An emergent approach to early education backed by a research-based curriculum
  • Payroll, benefits, and human resources all coordinated by Bright Horizons
  • Custom center design that reflects the culture of your company

We also provide back-up daycare, child care benefits, and elder care programs that provide emergency care when regular routines collapse or unexpected events occur. 

Designing corporate daycare programs

Employer-sponsored child care centers can sustain working parents’ careers and support the long-term success of employers. But for corporate daycare to work, program design must be sensitive to each organization’s unique needs and location.

As a leader among on-site child care companies, Bright Horizons creates effective corporate daycare centers by focusing on three critical areas: 

  • Understanding employee demand: Through an analysis of employee demographics, the existing child care market in the area, and the specific hours and needs of your workforce, we design centers that provide customized programs for your employees.
  • Prioritizing what’s important to parents: From the highest safety standards to education-focused care practices to ongoing teacher development programs, we provide well-rounded care that exceeds parents’ expectations and fosters confidence in your program.
  • Crafting customized spaces: We assess the potential of your location to accommodate essential daycare elements and suggest capital improvements to support high-quality programming.

How corporate daycare programs help employers

When employees have a solution to their child care dilemma, the rewards for employers are significant. Corporate daycare is more than an employee benefit — it’s a differentiator in today’s competitive talent market and a productivity booster with a lasting impact.

With superior corporate daycare from Bright Horizons, employers can: 

  • Outcompete companies for individuals with the talent and motivation your business needs to build a high-performing workforce.
  • Retain valued high-level employees who plan on having children and motivate promising leaders to make more ambitious career decisions.
  • Eliminate the costs, labor, and stress that come from employee turnover.
  • Cultivate job satisfaction and inspire employees to be personally invested in the future of the company.
  • Enhance productivity by minimizing the disruption from family conflicts.
  • Support female leadership by providing new mothers with the child care they need to return to work.
  • Build a family-friendly brand that will differentiate your company as a top employer.

FAQs: What you should ask about corporate daycare programs

What are corporate daycare programs?

Corporate daycare programs are employer-sponsored child care centers that are conveniently located at the workplace to help working parents solve child care challenges.

How do on-site daycare programs benefit employees?

With corporate daycare programs, employees with children can avoid the stress of finding and managing affordable, quality child care. The convenient access to on-site care allows working parents to focus on their careers while managing responsibilities at home.

What are the advantages of corporate daycare programs for businesses?

Employee retention is a major benefit of offering corporate daycare. Businesses risk losing valuable leaders and motivated workers who are struggling to balance the demands of work with the responsibilities of parenting. On-site daycare helps new parents return to work more easily and enables working parents to remain productive.

What are dependent care benefits?

Dependent care benefits help employees manage the pressures of work while taking care of their responsibilities at home. Many employees are caring for children, elderly parents, or other relatives needing special attention. Offering dependent care benefits such as corporate daycare or back-up elder care enable workers to spend less time and energy coordinating care and more time focused on their job.


Family care benefits have never been more important. See how Bright Horizons can support your team.

Bright Horizons is a United States–based child-care provider and is the largest provider of employer-sponsored child care. Employees looking to become a child care teacher are offered the opportunity to earn an early education degree for free as part of their corporate benefits. Search by zip to find a child care center near you. Bright Horizons Global Headquarters are in Newton, Massachusetts, USA.